Wednesday, April 6, 2011


There is a tiny heartbeat resting on my chest
It is sleeping, depending on me to support it
it may not be my child but I love it like it is my little baby

It is depending on me to help it, to love it, and to hold it
I wish everything were set in stone so that I would always know what to do and say
I wish I could promise you that nothing will ever hurt you
But I can’t

So your tiny little heartbeat will have to beat right next to mine and trust that because I love you
Nothing will get in the way of me protecting you
That when you toss and turn from a bad dream I will always be there to pull you close and whisper
“I love you”
And when you start to cry just know that I cry because I hate to see you hurt
I love you

I will always be there
I will always find comfort when your little heartbeat lies next to mine
I will always be happy when your little tiny heartbeat mixes in with mine
I will always love you

1 comment:

  1. :) I wuv dish poemm.... it reminds me of the song In My Arms by Plumb.
