Sunday, March 20, 2011

You do not know my name

There are thousands of poems swirling in my head
they mix and change and flow to the river of my mind
but they don't translate to numbers and letters,
i can't express them with my keyboard,
I need crayons and heartbeats, hugs and smiles,
i need my tears and I need pounding footsteps on asphalt.
I can't read you my poetry because I'm not sure how it sounds,
it doesn't speak our language
it speaks mine

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This is my corner, no people allowed.

Jump and look with my eyes closed and my heart open. Squeeze my eyes shut and hope I don't fall to far. Let the world see my heart, all my wishes and dreams, and pretend I'm not scared to death. Try to let people in, try to let them know who I am, when it's so much easier to sit in the corner and read.
Hello, my name is Sophie, and I'm a sociophobiac.

Thoughts from and overtired mind

Yesterday today was tomorrow.
Tomorrow today will be yesterday.
Tomorrow someone may tell me something that will change the rest of my life.
Next week someone may tell me something that will change the world.
Someday, somehow, I will find out what's in store
I will discover whats to come
But right now, today is still today, and I have math homework to do.